Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekend Treats: Simply Seductive

So I've decided to dedicate this weekend to a fabulous blog that I found recently called {Simply Seductive}. She is trying to reach 1000 followers this month, as she reaches her 2 year blog mark (wow!). Not only is her blog full of fashion inspiration and design ideas; it is full of wonderful pictures (which is a must in the blog world for me). I guarantee you'll love it and if you do, then follow her and help her reach her goal.

here are some faves:

Anyone that shares this adorable picture on a Saturday morning is a blog fave of mine!! Could you just die?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristin! What a lovely, lovely gesture. Thank you so much!

    {p.s. absolutely love your banner... was fortunate enough to visit Paris in April years ago, looking forward to returning. BTW, since you've dedicated a post, I'm adding a link to your blog in a special section of my right side bar. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!}

    All the very best,
